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Transform Yourself.
Say 'Yes!' to What You Want.


Explore with me, look into who you are, your purpose. Design the life you have always imagined. When you know who you are, you can make decisions based on what's aligned with you. Say 'yes' to what you want.


Dig deep into those limiting beliefs, 'I'm not good enough', 'No one cares,' 'What I want doesn't matter,' 'I'm too busy to take time for myself.' Find out what they are here to teach you. Forgive yourself, tell yourself it isn't true, accept the beautiful you, allow healing.



Oooh wee, the fun part! You get to tell yourself a new story and walk, run, hop, skip, jump into the new most amazing you. I'm so excited for you!

Coaching Options Made with You in Mind.

Group Coaching

Similar to one-on-one but with the intimacy of a group, I offer a welcoming place where people of the highest vibrations of love and compassion can come as they are, ready to put the work into themselves. Each week, this cohort will take part in three classes: a coaching class focusing on a specific topic, a restorative yoga class to help with healing, and finally a meditation and visualization class to integrate the coaching and healing. Members also have the option of adding on a Reiki healing session to help with energy flow. The initial cohort will last 4 weeks. Be the first to get on the list to be apart of this exciting and innovative healing process!

Relationship Coaching

Noting that all relationships start with the relationship with ourselves, I will say that after fifteen years of marriage, I finally realized that I was with my life partner. After that, everything in my marriage changed. I am madly in love with my husband and I get to be my truest self at all times. I understand that we are equal partners in this life, as I rise so does he, me living my truth allows him to live his truth as well. Whatever stage you are in or want to be in, I have been there and if by chance I have not, I see you and can help you thrive. What do you want to do?


I am also the mother of three young women. As they grow, so do I and I am incredibly thankful that I was chosen to be their mother. I truly believe that we are all here to help each other learn the lessons of life that will help us grow. I specialize in helping women cultivate their relationships with their daughters so everyone can realize their truest potential. What do you want to do?

One-on-One Coaching

We start off with breath work to help us get present and centered. You then discover that one amazing attribute that you may not realize you have because it's so obvious. I help you set goals based on what you want and I work with you to establish ways to help you achieve those goals. You dig to discover anything that may be holding you back from saying yes to yourself as I hold space for reflection. You create your new self over and over again via a visualization. We incorporate Reiki into your session to help with the healing and clearing process. Words will not accurately describe this process but it is built for dragonfly transformation.


Sessions can be booked for anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5 hours based on what you want. A nine week commitment is required to achieve initial results.

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